埃里克的見證 Erik’s Testimonial











    我的妻子和孩子們也備受變種的骷髏鬼靈困擾。我不知道為什麼直到有一天我與阿爸和 Penny在談話中提到這骷顱頭骨一直困擾我。我問阿爸要燒多少的金紙錢來解決這個問題。我和妻子看著阿爸和Penny諮詢祖師,而且我可以感覺到祖師和骷髏在那交錯溝通。其中骷顱頭骨的靈忽然上了Penny 的身來說話。我們親眼眼睜睜地看著Penny轉身臉色忽然轉灰又變很蒼白,她開始出汗而且突然說話的聲音都不同。他們告訴我他們要一筆冥紙錢而且要回到她們的家鄉,當我們計算出我們必須燒一堆可觀的紙錢時我們同時也被告知必須付一大筆金紙錢。我試圖找出在哪裡可以在很短的時間找到這筆錢作為承諾,奇蹟出現了我拿到一筆生意,祖師也無形中幫我找到差不多的確切數額來還清債業,所以我就這樣做了燒化。








I’d like to share my life long experience of being haunted by a skull which my parents brought home as a souvenir from an ancient tomb in Nubia, present day Egypt.  In the 1960s, they were college students who where a part of an archeological expedition sponsored by their university.


  My father kept the skull displayed on top of his bookshelf all of my life. My parents had no idea the curse they brought onto our family.


  All of my life I have been surrounded by ghosts. I have woken up to swooshing noises to find myself pinned down by a ghost laying on top of me like a black sheet. I have felt them hold me down sucking my energy. I have seen their dark shadows; darker than my dark room with no lights on, floating quickly back and forth. People close to me in the past were haunted as well by it. I have many more stories.


     My Fathers and my angry aggressive personality stemmed from the skull haunting because, as the Zu Shi Masters explained, we were constantly unconsciously battling the spirits attacking us inside and out. I was told that my Father had a Demon in him, which I believe came from the Skull.


   My Wife and Children were being haunted by the mutated spirits of the Skull ghost as well.  I had no idea why I was being haunted until I mentioned the skull during conversation with Aba and Penny. I asked how much would it cost to resolve this issue. My wife and I watched as Aba and Penny consulted Zu Shi and the Skull Spirits. Penny took in the one of the Skull spirits. We watched as she turned grayish-pale and began to suddenly sweat. They were calling out for spiritual money and wanted to go back to where they belong. When the amount was worked out we were told to pay a large sum. I was trying to figure out where to find the money in a short amount of time. As promised, Zu Shi masters helped me find almost the exact amount to pay it off, so I did so.


  It took a few weeks for the invisible Soldiers to remove the Angry Spirits from my Family and house, but it worked! I am very skeptical and practical person. I am also untrusting of people in general. My wife and I just felt as though this was the right thing to do although it was a large amount of money and we are new to Chin Chueh Palace. Now I feel so much better than I have all of my life. I feel “free”. It’s hard to explain.


  My daughters are no longer scared and are grateful, as we all are, for Chin Chueh Masters resolving this curse on my family.


 I know this is still the beginning of our journey in the Chin Chueh Palace we still have lot to learn. Resolving this one issue does not mean we are done with the Chen Chueh Palace; we still have future to cultivate for and there will always be karmic enemies around us.

